Sites related to Vampire: The Eternal Struggle

Internet presence only
Usenet newsgroup -
Google Archive -
Rec.Games.Trading-Cards.Jyhad Deck Archive Mailing List
VTES Trading Mailing List
VTES General Mailing List
VTES Custom Cards Mailing List
V:EKN Clan Newsletters Mailing List

The Original Jyhad Webring
(No longer accepting new sites.)
The V:TES Webring
(Currently accepting new sites.)

Sorted by Region


Arizona, USA, North America
The decks of Frederick Scott

California, USA, North America
Jyhad Online
Unofficial Virtual Jyhad Expansion
San Francisco Bay Area VTES Group
The Ritual Mask of Death and Decay
Powerbase: Castro Valley
Storyline Tournament Results
V:TES in Los Angeles

Colorado, USA, North America
Denver Jyhad

Georgia, USA, North America
White Wolf Game Studios
Worldwide V:TES Player Registry
Vampire: Elder Kindred Network -- Official V:TES Players' Organization
Lasombra's Clan Pages
Lasombra's V:TES Metasite
Bleed My Prey!
The Path of Blood
Elder Library Deck Builder
V:TES Atlanta

Illinois, USA, North America
Chicago V:TES
Dreamforge: Ending the Struggle
St. Louis V:TES

Kentucky, USA, North America
Charles Rose's V:TES Page
Lexington, KY VEKN

Louisiana, USA, North America
Archon of the Swamp
Communal Haven: Trading Site

Maine, USA, North America
Powerbase: Bangor

Maryland, USA, North America
V:TES Baltimore, Maryland
Powerbase: Maryland

Massachusetts, USA, North America
Boston Vampire:TES
V:EKN Seekonk
VEKN: Springfield

Michigan, USA, North America
Michigan Jyhad League
V:TES Nosferatu Stuff

Minnesota, USA, North America
Xian's Jyhad Site & Freak Deck Archive

New York, USA, North America
The Ithaca Jyhad
Gwen Morse's CCG Page
VEKN: Syracuse
Clan Tremere: Jyhad/V:TES Cards
New York by Night

North Carolina, USA, North America
Another VTES Webpage
Erin Hartwell's New Cards
Blue Devil VTES
Charlotte By Night

Ohio, USA, North America
V:EKN Columbus, Ohio

Oregon, USA, North America
Portland V:TES

South Carolina, USA, North America
War Ghoul

Texas, USA, North America
V:EKN Texas
Crypt / Library Monger Utilities
Judith and Mark's Jyhad Page
Archon of Dallas Jyhad Page
Jyhad/V:TES in Garland, Texas

Washington, USA, North America
Shavo's VTES Home
Seattle V:TES

Washington, D.C., USA, North America
Washington, DC Jyhad

Wisconsin, USA, North America
V:TES Madison


Canada, North America
V:EKN Quebec in French
Site officiel du Prince de Quebec
Domaine du Saguenay
Site officiel du Prince de Montreal
The Storm Sewers
V:EKN Caledon
Wes' Jyhad/V:TES Resource Page
The Antediluvian's Lair
Powerbase: Ottawa
V:TES Winnipeg
Homepage for Jyhad/VTES in Toronto

South America

Brazil, South America
Dominio: SP - O major site de V:TES / Jyhad do Brasil


Austria, Europe
V:EKN Austria

Belgium, Europe
V:EKN Belgium

Czecheslovakia, Europe
Prague by Night

Denmark, Europe
Jyhad.DK, in Danish

Finland, Europe
Vampire Self Organizing Map
Orava V:TES
Domain Joensuu
V:TES Turku
Storyline: Tampere 2003

France, Europe
Necromancing the Bones
Sabbat in France
Paris Vampire Elder Kindred Network
My VTES by Sylvain Gogel
French Newsgroup (on a French news server)
Vampire A Toulouse
Les Catacombes de Dimple
V:EKN Grenoble
V:EKN St. Etienne
Jyhad Online (software beta)
Anarch Revolt Deck Builder (software beta)

Germany, Europe
V:EKN Germany
Powerbase: Munich
Cold Dawn

Holland, Europe
The Dutch V:TES Pages

Hungary, Europe
Powerbase: Budapest

Italy, Europe
Vampirismus: la prima pagina Italiana dedicata a VTES
Italy by Night
Blood Hall
RavA Two Faces

Netherlands, Europe
Deventer by Night
Discipline Match Maker
Eindhoven Tournament Reports
The Darkness

Norway, Europe
V:TES Bergen

Poland, Europe
Krypt Republika (in Polish)

Portugal, Europe
Powerbase: Lisbon
Powerbase: Oporto
Portugal Vamp
Loures Domain
Hunting Ground

Slovakia, Europe
Camarilla Club in Kosice

Spain, Europe
Damnans' V:TES (Jyhad) Page
VTES: Hispania. Boletines de Clan.
V:TES Madrid
Vampiro V:TES (in Spanish)
Spanish V:TES Mailing List on Yahoo
La Biblioteca Oscura

Sweden, Europe
V:EKN Gothenburg
Stockholm's V:TES page
Umeå, Sweden Deck Archive
The Rack

Switzerland, Europe
V:EKN Switzerland

United Kingdom, Europe
Vampire: Elder Kindred Network United Kingdom
When Will You Rage? - Legbiter's V:TES
The Shetland Jyhad
Steve's Jyhad page
Setites UK
Cambridge by Night
Praxis Seizure: London
Frother Articles from Scrye


Vampire: The Next Embrace
The Succubus Club
Canberra Jyhad Page

New Zealand
V:EKN New Zealand


Kindred Whispers

Unknown locations
Jyhad: the Story of my Unlife
Al's V:TES pages