Deck Name:Assamite Presence
Created By:David Cherryholmes
Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 24, Max: 35, Avg: 7.58)
1  Abd al-Rashid      CEL obf QUI          5,  Assamite
1  Akram              CEL pot pre QUI      8,  Brujah, Primogen
1  Aziz               CEL OBF PRE QUI ser  10, Assamite, 2 votes
1  Bajazet al-Nasir   cel for OBF pre QUI  8,  Assamite
1  Cornelius Ottavio  AUS OBF pre qui      8,  Malkavian
2  Fatima al-Faqadi   aus CEL for OBF QUI  8,  Assamite
1  Husamettin         CEL OBF pot pre QUI  8,  Assamite
1  Melek              cel OBF pre QUI      7,  Assamite
1  Parnassus          aus CEL QUI tha      7,  Assamite
1  Tegyrius           AUS CEL FOR pre QUI  9,  Assamite
1  Yusuf              aus CEL obf qui      5,  Assamite
Library: (80 cards)
Master (15 cards)
1  Alamut
1  Auspex
3  Blood Doll
1  Market Square
2  Minion Tap
1  Path of Blood, The
1  Presence
1  Succubus Club
2  Sudden Reversal
1  Underworld Hunting Ground
1  Zillah's Valley
Action (10 cards)
2  Ambush
3  Bum's Rush
3  Clandestine Contract
2  Legal Manipulations
Action Modifier (6 cards)
4  Aire of Elation
2  Cloak the Gathering
Political Action (1 cards)
1  Free States Rant
Reaction (7 cards)
2  Forced Awakening
1  Foul Blood
2  Spirit's Touch
2  Telepathic Misdirection
Combat (35 cards)
2  Aura Reading
6  Blood Sweat
4  Blur
4  Disguised Weapon
2  Flash
4  Pursuit
2  Side Strike
2  Sideslip
4  Taste of Death
5  Taste of Vitae
Equipment (4 cards)
4  .44 Magnum
Combo (2 cards)
2  Swallowed by the Night
This file was last saved at 11:37:00 PM on 2/10/2003