Deck Name:Brujah - Brujah Antitribu
Created By:David Cherryholmes
Description:Here's a deck I've worked up. It borrowed liberally from the !Brujah starter deck, but I think this is better. I've been evolving a rush deck over the past few weeks of playing.
Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 14, Max: 27, Avg: 5.17)
1  Dre               cel pot              3,  Brujah
1  Jacob Bragg       cel pot              3,  Brujah Antitribu
1  Evangeline        cel pot pre          4,  Brujah Antitribu
1  Victor Tolliver   CEL pot              4,  Brujah Antitribu
1  Rigby             aus CEL pot PRE      5,  Brujah Antitribu
1  Volker            CEL pot              5,  Brujah, Prince
1  Black Cat         CEL pot pre          5,  Brujah
1  Gaspare Giovanni  cel nec POT          6,  Giovanni
1  Anvil             dom CEL POT pre tha  6,  Brujah, Primogen
1  Beast             ani cel OBF POT      7,  Nosferatu Antitribu
1  Amelia            CEL POT PRE          7,  Brujah Antitribu, Bishop
1  Richter           CEL for POT pre      7,  Brujah Antitribu
Library: (80 cards)
Master (13 cards)
1  Amusement Park Hunting Ground
1  Blood Doll
1  Direct Intervention
1  Dreams of the Sphinx
1  Fame
1  Haven Uncovered
1  KRCG News Radio
1  London Evening Star, Tabloid Newspaper
1  Minion Tap
1  Potence
1  Rumor Mill, Tabloid Newspaper, The
1  Sudden Reversal
1  Tribute to the Master
Action (16 cards)
3  Ambush
5  Bum's Rush
1  Distraction
3  Enchant Kindred
2  Legal Manipulations
1  Rampage
1  Social Charm
Reaction (4 cards)
2  Delaying Tactics
2  Forced Awakening
Combat (42 cards)
1  Acrobatics
3  Blur
2  Decapitate
1  Disarm
2  Fast Hands
2  Flash
6  Immortal Grapple
1  Lightning Reflexes
2  Pursuit
7  Pushing the Limit
1  Sideslip
5  Taste of Vitae
7  Torn Signpost
2  Undead Strength
Equipment (5 cards)
1  Laptop Computer
2  Leather Jacket
2  Sword of Judgment
This file was last saved at 11:51:00 PM on 2/10/2003