Deck Name: | Ra can Kiss my A**! |
Created By: | David Cherryholmes |
Description: | I've been tuning in this deck over the past couple of weeks and I thought I would post it here in the hopes of some feedback. In case you're wondering at the title, blocking without fortitude has become suicide lately.
Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 24, Max: 35, Avg: 7.42) |
1 Abd al-Rashid CEL obf QUI 5, Assamite |
1 Al-Ashrad aus obf CEL QUI THA 9, Assamite |
1 Bajazet al-Nasir cel for OBF pre QUI 8, Assamite |
2 Fatima al-Faqadi aus CEL for OBF QUI 8, Assamite |
1 Jalal Sayad CEL pot QUI 6, Assamite |
1 Kalinda CEL OBF tha 6, Assamite |
1 Parnassus aus CEL QUI tha 7, Assamite |
2 Tariq AUS cel FOR OBF QUI 7, Assamite |
2 Tegyrius AUS CEL FOR pre QUI 9, Assamite |
Library: (81 cards) |
Master (14 cards) |
1 Auspex |
1 Celerity |
1 Fame |
1 Fortitude |
1 Khabar: Community, The |
1 Market Square |
2 Minion Tap |
3 Path of Blood, The |
3 Zillah's Valley |
Action (8 cards) |
4 Bum's Rush |
4 Clandestine Contract |
Action Modifier (4 cards) |
4 Freak Drive |
Reaction (6 cards) |
2 Precognition |
2 Spirit's Touch |
2 Telepathic Misdirection |
Combat (45 cards) |
2 Acrobatics |
7 Blood Sweat |
3 Disease |
8 Flash |
3 Khabar: Honor, The |
6 Pursuit |
2 Skin of Steel |
2 Superior Mettle |
5 Taste of Death |
4 Taste of Vitae |
3 Thin Blood |
Equipment (4 cards) |
1 Bang Nakh - Tiger's Claws |
1 Ivory Bow |
2 Laptop Computer |
This file was last saved at 11:41:12 PM on 2/10/2003 |