Deck Name:Vecna's back, and She's pissed
Created By:David Cherryholmes
Description:Muaziz flanked by weenie 2/3 Tremere. Muaziz equips with Eye of Hazimel, Hand of Conrad, Ankara Citadel, and/or Sengir Dagger. Runs POT/THA combat. Several skill cards allow the chance to eat your way up the food chain and past heavy Obedience users; the skill cards take the deck past eighty cards, but in a less than linear way.
Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 13, Max: 31, Avg: 5.67)
4  Muaziz              aus dom for THA    7,  Tremere
1  Eugenio Estevez     AUS dom for THA    6,  Tremere
1  Kyoko Shinsegawa    aus cel dom for   5,  Tremere
1  Aisling Sturbridge  AUS dom THA        5,  Tremere
1  Pieter              for OBF PRO tha    6,  Gangrel Antitribu
1  Masika              AUS CEL PRE        10, Toreador, Primogen
1  Blythe Candeleria   aus THA            3,  Tremere
1  Ehrich Weiss        dom tha            3,  Tremere
1  Mustafa Rahman      dom                2,  Tremere
Library: (85 cards)
Master (10 cards)
1  Arcane Library
3  Blood Doll
1  Chantry
1  Dominate
1  Fame
1  Fortitude
2  Potence
Action (11 cards)
2  Govern the Unaligned
3  Graverobbing
4  Magic of the Smith
2  Rutor's Hand
Action Modifier (6 cards)
6  Freak Drive
Reaction (6 cards)
6  Deflection
Combat (46 cards)
3  Amaranth
8  Apportation
8  Blood Fury
6  Immortal Grapple
3  Pulled Fangs
4  Skin of Steel
8  Taste of Vitae
6  Torn Signpost
Equipment (6 cards)
1  Ankara Citadel, Turkey, The
1  Eye of Hazimel
1  Flak Jacket
1  Hand of Conrad
1  IR Goggles
1  Sengir Dagger
This file was last saved at 9:06:52 PM on 3/7/2003